Breaking News

Day: December 13, 2020

Get Rid Of Bruises

10 Ways to Get Rid Of Bruises Permanently!

Bruises are very common if you involved yourself in some vigorous physical activities. Also termed as contusion, it is a kind of skin ailment in which tiny blood vessels called capillaries bursts due to some sudden injury. This causes the blood to get trapped underneath the skin resulting in discoloring of the skin (blue, red,…

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weight loss drinks, apple cider vinegar

Weight loss drinks with Amazing Results

In the busy schedule of life, there hardly remains any time for you to look for your health. Due to which unnecessary weight gain is becoming very common nowadays. However, apart from eating good food, you can ultimately consume weight loss drinks that can be easily prepared at home. The best thing about weight loss…

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healthy benefits of almonds

Is it safe to eat almonds daily? Healthy Benefits of Almonds

Ever heard from your grandmother to “eat almonds” when you are unable to memorize anything? Well, it is the most common phrase that you may hear from your elders. But does the healthy benefits of almonds remains only to give you a good memory? Or are there other healthy benefits of almonds too? Almonds are…

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benefits of blood donation

Blood & Plasma Donation: Benefits, Side Effects and More

Being a human, you may not have access to the power of giving life but you can save a life by donating blood. Donating blood for once can save three lives. As donating blood can save lives, there are also many benefits of donating blood. Apart from blood donation, there is a similar process Apheresis….

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