Apple cider vinegar| Multiple Uses

Known for many of its good qualities and uses, apple cider vinegar is prepared from fermented apple juice which claims to have several benefits. Apple cider vinegar benefits include health benefits like lowering cholesterol, controlling blood sugar levels, and is also believed to help lose weight. Apple cider vinegar benefits are not limited to only serving as an apple cider vinegar drink but also it has multiple of its uses.

1. Apple cider vinegar as a food preservative:

For many decades, vinegar has been used as a pickling agent to preserve food. Mixing apple cider vinegar in foods makes it acidic which deactivates its enzymes and kills any bacteria in the food that is responsible for spoilage. So apart from serving as a good health food, apple cider vinegar benefits include that it can also be used to preserve foods.

2. Apple cider vinegar as a deodorizer:

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that have the property of eliminating bad smells. So you can also make a deodorizer by mixing apple cider vinegar with water. It can be a natural replacement for the deodorizer that you use. Also if you have a bad feet smell, you can add Epsom salt with apple cider vinegar and soak your feet in it. It kills the odour-causing bacteria helping to get rid of the bad smell. This is a major Apple cider vinegar benefit.

3. As a hair rinse:

You can also use Apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse. It is claimed that Apple cider vinegar can remove the product build-up on your hair which would detangle your hair easily and also add lustre and shine to your hair. It can be also a very effective dandruff treatment as apple cider vinegar has the qualities to reduce the fungus Malassezia which is said to be the cause of dandruff. All you have to do is mix one part of apple cider vinegar with one part of water and pour it on your hair after shampooing.

Apple cider vinegar for hair can be useful if you apply this but also if your skin is sensitive try mixing two parts of water with apple cider vinegar to avoid irritation. These apple cider vinegar benefits can solve certain problems related to hair care.

4.Apple cider vinegar as a skin toner:

Apple cider vinegar uses for skin can also help reduce signs of aging and is also said to improve skin condition. For this mix one part of Apple
cider vinegar with two parts of water. Apply this mix to your face using a cotton pad. Keep it for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apple cider vinegar uses for skin will not only improve your skin tone but can also help to reduce the blemishes and acne scars. It can provide you with spotless and glowing skin. This is also one major apple cider vinegar benefits.

5. As a taste enhancer:

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a taste enhancer. Adding apple cider vinegar to your soup can make it tastier as it’s sour taste adds life to
the flavors. You can also use it as a salad dressing. This will not only give your food an extra taste but also is good for your health.

6. Helps you to feel full:

Apple cider vinegar benefits include weight loss as one of its major benefits. This is because having an apple cider vinegar drink can help you to suppress your hunger which will help you to eat less and you can reduce more. Overeating is one of the main causes of many health problems nowadays and certainly, while you are consuming apple cider vinegar this would not be a problem to think of.

7. All-purpose cleaner:

Due to the presence of antibacterial properties in apple cider vinegar, it can also be an alternative to a commercial cleaning agent. For this, you can add a cup of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and use this as cleaning liquid for floors and windows. But always remember that Apple cider vinegar is not work in killing some dangerous bacteria. So better you can use it when you are out of your cleaning agent sometimes. So this is another apple cider vinegar benefits.

8. Apple cider vinegar for soothing a sore throat:

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy to recover a sore throat. For this, you can mix one tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water and use it for gargling. Do it frequently in the gap of two to three hours when you have a sore throat. It is claimed that this mix can help you lose your sore throat and certainly, this is another apple cider vinegar benefit and use that you should know.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the very useful products that you can keep in your kitchen. It not only provides you with many health benefits but there are a lot of multiple uses that you should probably know. From helping you to lower your blood sugar levels and your BP levels, to help lose weight and feel full, apple cider vinegar benefits provide a lot of other uses like it can be used as a preservative, deodorant, taste enhancer, skin toner, and also as a hair conditioner.


Q1. How to use Apple cider vinegar for weight loss?
To use Apple cider vinegar for weight loss you can mix apple cider vinegar with water and drink it before every meal. It is recommended to have it before meals as it works better like this. Although there is no scientific data that can claim that Apple cider vinegar can help burn fat but still, many studies claim apple cider vinegar had had many individuals in losing weight.

Q2. How to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning?
Every day in the morning you can have 1 to 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar mix with a large glass of water. You can also add honey if you want to. If you are new, then you should probably not take more amount of apple cider vinegar as excess vinegar can cause many side effects.

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