Sometimes living between bills, family, career, and workload lead to an anxious mess. Anxiety can enter at any point in life. It may be with you since birth or started to grow in later years. You are not alone. As per the AADA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America), anxiety disorder is one of the most common illnesses in the USA. Mostly affecting adults up to 40 million. Some symptoms of anxiety disorder are decrease libido, disturbed sleeping hours, increased hunger and overthinking, etc. Even anti-anxiety drugs have shown less impact on such symptoms.
So, today in this article you will read about several ways to fight anxiety without relying on pills and drugs:
Having a trustworthy friend is a blessing. But in many cases, people don’t have one. Either we do not have someone to share our feelings with or sometimes we can’t share even we want to. In school days every teacher must have warned you “not to shout” during school hours. But now as an adult, we are free to make our own rules. Anxiety gets worsen and we may end up getting panic attacks if we don’t pour our heart out. So speak up your heart as much as you can.
Drugs may worsen your anxiety disorder. Replace your drugs with strong coffee/ tea, it might help you to feel better. Caffeine intake boosts the energy levels and gives a jolt to our nervous system. Yes, I understand giving up on caffeine might giving you an attack right now and it is hard too. But believe me, once you stop intaking such kinds of stuff, your life will only get better than ever. As you slowly shift to other beverages, you will surely see a change. Most probably a mild calmness to your nerves and mind.
We people are so busy these days that we think 3-4 hours of sleep is enough. Isn’t it? Some of s are workaholic while some night owls spend nights watching Netflix and chill. But it’s wrong! A disordered sleeping schedule gives rise to many heat and brain diseases. One such big issue is anxiety. The brain works in a weird manner leading to over-thinking, panic attacks, and restlessness. Stay in dim lights during evening time for better sleep. Make a proper bedtime schedule and try to follow it as much as you can.
If you let others enter your personal life and you believe in overwhelming others then your anxiety issues will start getting worsen day by day. It’s okay to entertain everyone until it’s not affecting your happiness and peace. Am not saying that you should not offer help to others but do know your boundaries. Start saying “NO” to people and situations that affect your mental peace.
Some of us are always worried about the future or regretting our pasts. In these errands, we are missing living in present. Instead of worrying about things that are harming your peace, start enjoying what’s happening now and live in it to the fullest. Are you worried about your upcoming exams? Worrying about your relationships? Worrying about your financial goals? If you said yes to any of these, then you have reached to half part of the main problem. People with anxiety disorders keep stressing about their life problems and have almost forgotten what living in a moment feels like. We can’t control our future, neither we can purchase any time machine and do time travel to correct our past mistakes. So why to worry about such things which hold no meaning now. You can do meditation to relieve stress and anxiety.